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  •  8/27/2008 - Syracuse Media Feature Cornell 100+ MPG Team
  • "None of the major U.S. automakers plan to enter the contest, and Cornell is one of only two educational institutions vying for the prize..."

    Read the full article by the Syracuse Post-Standard here.
    Videos are also available at WTVH (CBS), WSYR (ABC) and Syracuse News 10.

  •  12/1/2008 - Team Members Interviewed at Local High School
  • Cornell 100+ MPG's outreach leads, Ethan Hessney and James McCardle, are interviewed by the Dryden High School librarian and a science teacher before they give a presentation to over 70 students and parents.

    The podcast is available here.

  •  3/21/2008 - The AP, CNN, ABC News, and Yahoo! News Mention Cornell 100+ MPG
  • "The X Prize Foundation, best known for its competitions promoting space flights, is offering $10 million to the teams that can produce the most production-ready vehicles that get 100 miles per gallon or more...More than 60 teams from nine countries have signed up for the competition so far, including California electric carmakers Aptera Motors and Tesla Motors, German diesel carmaker Loremo and a team from Cornell University..."

    Read the full article here.

  •  5/3/2008 - The Cornell Foray is Tested in the 2008 Green Grand Prix
  • The Cornell Foray was driven for a distance of over 60 miles today in the Green Grand Prix, held in Watkin's Glen, NY. Despite the tight deadlines and long hours that the team faced in preparing it to effectively run on both gasoline and electric power, the car performed admirably and exceeded all of our expectations. We are currently gearing up to take the Foray into the next stage of its development, and we invite you to keep checking our regular Popular Mechanics-sponsored blog articles for updates on our progress!

    Photos of our participation at the Green Grand Prix are now available in the photo gallery!

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